How to Use Therefore Words in English Sentences
How to Use Therefore Words in English Sentences At this info this is the How to Use Therefore Words in English Sentences, has been shared on this blog completely from start to finish. Hopefully this info will be useful to you and can be practiced.
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Similarly, info How to Use Therefore Words in English Sentences, hopefully this info can be useful for you all, and good luck.
Title : How to Use Therefore Words in English Sentences
Link : How to Use Therefore Words in English Sentences
"Therefore"Is a conjunction in English that can be used as a transitional / transitional word in sentences and paragraphs. This word shows cause and effect between several independent clauses (independent clause) so that it cannot be used to initiate paragraphs or be included as part of independent sentences. If you want to use "therefore"In writing, there are some things to keep in mind to make sure this word is used correctly. There are also some common mistakes in using the word "therefore"Which needs to be avoided.
Knowing the Common Uses of Words "Therefore"
- Use "therefore"To show cause and effect. "Therefore"Cannot be used in all sentences. This word has a special meaning and is only suitable for certain situations. The best way to remember it is to ascertain whether the sentence has a causal relationship. In other words, does the first sentence cause or lead to another sentence? If not, this word is not suitable for use. [1]
- For example, use "therefore"To show a causal relationship between two sentences:"John studied the hard for the math exam. He got an A +"(John studied hard for a math test. He got an A +.) Sentence with the words"therefore" are as follows: "John studied the hard for the math exam. Therefore, he got an A +"(John studied hard for a math test. Therefore, he got an A +.)
- Other examples are as follows, "People who exercise regularly enjoy better health. You should exercise"(People who exercise regularly have better health. You should exercise.) Add a word"therefore"will expe the flow of ideas for both sentences."People who exercise regularly enjoy better health. Therefore, you should exercise"(People who exercise regularly have better health. Therefore, you should exercise.)
- Change meaningful words or phrases similar to the words "therefore" Said "therefore"Can be used to replace some other words and phrases, but you must check the meaning first. Not all transitional words and phrases can be exchanged with "therefore"[2]
- For example, "Sally passed her drive test. As a result, she received her driver's license"(Sally passed the driving test. As a result, she got a SIM). You can change the phrase"as a result"(as a result) with"therefore"because it has a similar meaning.
- Do not use "therefore"As a substitute for most cases of conjunctions equivalent. Some examples of conjunctions are equivalent (coordinating conjunction) among others are for (for), and (and), nor (not too), but (but), or (or), yet (however), and so on. Each of these words has a certain meaning and cannot replace each other, including the word "therefore" Always check the meaning of words or phrases before using them in sentences. [3]
- Include "therefore"To increase the flow of sentences. Use the word "therefore"To improve the flow of your writing. Put "therefore"In sentences or paragraphs that sound awkward without transition to facilitate the flow. Try reading your writing aloud to find sentences that require a transition, and determine whether you can use the word "therefore"In that sentence. [4]
- For example, this sentence sounds awkward: "The weather was hot. He wore shorts and a T-shirt to school"(The weather is hot. He wears shorts and T-shirts to school.) However, adding transitional words like"therefore"Will increase the flow of sentences:"The weather was hot. Therefore, he wore shorts and a T-shirt to school"(The weather is hot. Therefore, he wears shorts and T-shirts to school.)
Use Punctuation and Appropriate Capital Letters for Words "Therefore"
- Put a comma after the word "therefore" "Therefore"Must always be followed by a comma because there is a natural pause after this word when in a sentence. Without commas, the sentence will feel hurried to the reader.[5]
- As an example, "I love spending time in nature. Therefore I go camping every summer"(I like to spend time in the outdoors. Therefore I go camping every summer.) Without commas, there is no pause after the word"therefore" However, if you include a comma, the reader will pause after reading the word "therefore"
- The correct form for the sentence above is: "I love spending time in nature. Therefore, i go camping every summer"(I like to spend time in the outdoors. Therefore, (pause here) I go camping every summer).
- Put a semicolon (;) before "therefore"When separating independent clauses. If you use "therefore"In the middle of a sentence to separate two independent clauses, meaning you need to put a semicolon. In other words, if each part of the sentence can stand alone, put a semicolon at the end of the independent clause first, continue with "therefore", And write a comma at the end of the word before continuing the sentence.[6]
- For example, "Marcus loves to travel with his family; therefore, he is constantly on the lookout for low-cost airfares"(Marcus really likes traveling with his family; therefore, he often looks for cheap flight tickets.)
- Capitalize the word "therefore"When at the beginning of the sentence. Like another sentence, "therefore"Must be capitalized at the beginning of the sentence, but not for other situations.
Avoid Common Mistakes
- Separate independent clauses using "therefore" You can use "therefore"In the middle of a sentence containing two independent clauses, but not in a sentence that has a dependent clause. Independent clauses are able to stand alone as independent sentences, or are separated using semicolons. [7]
- As an example, "therefore"Can be used to separate two clauses like"California is a coastal state. It has lots of beaches"(California is a coastal state. This state has many beaches.) These two sentences can be corrected to,"California is a coastal state; therefore, it has many beaches"(California is a coastal state; therefore, this state has many beaches.)
- In some cases, you can also use "therefore"To start the sentence. As an example, "June's car broke down on her way to work. Therefore, she was late for the meeting"(June's car broke down when he went to the office. Therefore, he was late in attending the meeting.)
- Remember that "therefore"Must be between two independent clauses, not after that.
- Try not to use the word too often "therefore" "Therefore "Is not a word that can be used frequently in writing. Use other transitional words to vary sentences, for example "so"(So),"then" (then), "accordingly" (therefore), "consequently" (as a result), "thus"(Therefore), or"since"(Since).[8]
- For example, you can replace "therefore"By"thus"(Therefore) in the previous example. You can say, "California is a coastal state; thus, it has many beaches"(California is a coastal state; therefore, this state has many beaches.)
- Remember to always ensure that other words used are appropriate to replace "therefore"In the sentence. If in doubt, try to find out on sites like
- Write "therefore"Instead of saying it. Said "therefore"Is not often used in conversations rather than writing because it is too formal in everyday conversation. For this reason, you should avoid using the word "therefore"When talking in English, and choose a more casual transitional word, like"so"Or"then" [9]
- For example, the sentence "It was raining when I left for work this morning. Therefore, I needed my raincoat"(It rained when I left for work this morning. Therefore I need to wear a raincoat) sounds strange when spoken.
- This rule is excluded when you give lectures, speeches, or presentations.
- $ 2
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