3 Methods of Being Persistent

3 Methods of Being Persistent At this info this is the 3 Methods of Being Persistent, has been shared on this blog completely from start to finish. Hopefully this info will be useful to you and can be practiced.

Title : 3 Methods of Being Persistent
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Persistence is a skill that can help you achieve your goals, get what you want and can even be a way to assert your stance on people who are stubborn or difficult to work with. Persistence in trying to distinguish between successful people and those who fail when they have to do tasks, interact or reach goals. In fact, lack of persistence or "giving up too quickly" is the most common cause of failure in business.

This article will explain the importance of persistence in achieving goals, overcoming failures and getting what you want in interacting with others.

1. Achievement of objectives

If you have ever come to a fitness center on January 2 and attended a service until January 4, you will understand that perseverance, even though challenging, is important to achieving your goals. Maybe you are forming a new habit, abandoning old habits, or wanting to complete a bigger project, you really need to plan, but more importantly, implement it. The following steps will explain how to help yourself so that you can become a persistent person in achieving your goals.

1. Determine a goal. Specify specifically what results you want to achieve. Also specify the specific schedule when you want to reach your goals or achieve the results you expect. As well as determining a goal, make sure that this plan can be implemented.
  • Write your destination somewhere that you can see at any time. You can write it in a diary, using a Post-It Notes sheet, on a wall poster, or something else. 
2. Divide this goal into smaller targets. Smaller targets will be more manageable and easier to achieve, and this method will make you feel faster.
  •  Divide by time. Complete a task by dividing it into small targets with a 15-minute or one-hour time limit. If you want to change your habits, give a one-day target, and also specify a time target for other tasks. 
  • Divide this task with smaller targets. You can sort files, or clean the floor a few square meters in a certain time.
3. Do it more often. If you can do a job for five minutes, three times a week will be better than nothing, and it's not too difficult. Then increase again for the next one. 

4. Learn things that can motivate you. Do you feel satisfied if a job is done well? Pay attention to whether you can improve the efforts you have done. Do you like getting attention or praise from others? Prepare a plan to show your work if it's finished, or show what you're doing. 

5. Install reminders in a place that is easily visible. Do you want to save to buy a house? Paste a photo of your dream home in a mirror in your bathroom - or put it in front of your credit card. 

6. Make it a habit. Do whatever you can every day. A trick that you can use is to connect a new habit to the habits that you have been doing. For example, if you have finished brushing your teeth every night before going to bed, you can continue cleaning your teeth using dental floss after washing your face. Flush your plants when you take a letter or take your dog for a walk. You can also pull out weeds while waiting for watering to complete.

7. Make it fun. Play music or audio books while doing repetitive work, for example painting the room. Challenge yourself to complete the task within a certain time. If there are other people who accompany you to work, invite the race. You can also take a bet (pay for a massage, or dinner) as a challenge and make you motivated to prove your ability.
8. Spread to the public. You can ask a friend to accompany you, or just check your progress. It will not be easy to ignore your work if you know someone will ask. There is even a website called StickK.com where you can "make a contract for yourself" laryly that everyone can see and if you fail to achieve your goals, there is an obligation to contribute to certain parties that you have agreed to in this contract

9. Make an assessment. Make a note of your achievements in a diary or calendar. You just have to sign each time you have (or haven't) done something, or you can take notes to find out: how far you have gone, or how fast, how much you've done, or how long you've worked.
10. Rest. Even though it feels very noble if you continue to struggle without resting, this is not a reasonable choice. You and your body need time to rest in order to recover and your energy again. The main thing is because your subconscious mind will try to solve the problem as long as you rest, so you have to give yourself this opportunity. Rest is very important so that you can remain a persistent person.

11. Appreciate your persistence. Awards will allow you to remain persistent in achieving your goals because many of the big goals that can only be achieved in months or even years. The longer the time needed to reach a goal, the greater the risk of losing motivation. To avoid this, the presence of small gifts can keep you excited and focused on your goals. Make a list of the gifts you want to give yourself if you succeed in achieving something, such as a small gift because you have worked hard on a certain day and a big prize because you have worked hard for a particular month. 
  • Prepare small gifts. Place a paste on your album, star on your calendar, or feather on your hat if you reach the target. Invite a friend to watch a movie at a cinema or accompany you to watch a night performance at a theater.
  • Prepare big prizes. Buy gifts that are a bit expensive though not too often but this gift can keep you inspired. For example, make plans to add your music equipment if you reach a certain level of expertise; if you are learning a language, make a plan to go to a place where you can practice using it.
  • Choose gifts that are relevant and appropriate for your purpose. If you want to start gardening, look for new plants that are suitable for the soil conditions that you prepare. Conversely, if you want to start exercising, don't choose food as a gift for you. Maybe a warm shower will be better for you.
  • Give a gift to yourself only if you reach the target. Gifts will not be useful if you indulge yourself with gifts without reaching the target to realize your goals.
12. Just start. Even if you feel that there isn't much you can do right away, you will immediately know what you have to do and what you have to ask. You will see that achieving goals is not as difficult as you think. In addition, you will never be able to finish what you never started.

2. Staying Persistent in Facing Failure 

1. Try to accept failure. All the most successful people have experienced failure in their lives. The difference between them and people who are afraid of failure is because successful people dare to face their failure, want to learn from this experience and use it to continue their struggle. They remain persistent because they know that failure is only part of achievement. For yourself, the willingness to learn to see failure as a natural part of the journey to success is the key to progress. Ask yourself:
  •  What is my attitude in the face of failure? Do I avoid it by never wanting to persevere? Am I afraid of facing failure?
  • Am I utilizing the fear of failure to not steadfastly achieve my goals and do my actions at this time? Does my level of success reflect this?
2. Don't stop once trouble arises. This is common where the inability to be persistent is used as a way to convince yourself that you should never try again, which then becomes an old story and nonsense about not needing to try. Whatever is appropriate or accomplished will be able to overcome all obstacles and difficulties. Look at failure as something that was past and accept these challenges as things that test your courage and shape yourself to be better, stronger, smarter and more able to love. If you haven't succeeded at first, try again and again. If you don't get the job you want or your first, second or third novel is rejected by the publisher, keep trying. Many people argue that if they have just started but have been rejected several times, it means they have failed. This is a form of self-limitation and unfounded views; if you know that your strategy and goals are right, this happens because of unwillingness to keep trying. Remember that there are lots of people and opportunities in this world - you can't always meet the right person to realize your every desire and purpose!  

3. Learn what things can cause failure. This is a continuation of the previous step; if you have fought hard with the initial strategy that you have made but you still get resistance or continue to face obstacles, you have to look again at the way you approach. As Rita Mae Brown once said: "Doing things continuously but expecting different results is an insanity". Maybe the writing in your blog is not interesting enough so that it cannot gather the reader according to what you expect; maybe your biodata doesn't show you the best things so you don't get the chance to interview; maybe the way you face an interview requires a bit of improvement from an interview expert because you can't get the job offered; or maybe marketing your business requires a more innovative approach because the goods or services that you offer are not yet well known.
  • Stop first to reassess the things you did in achieving your goals; often it is not the wrong goal but the way to do it or the details of the work that is not clear enough or not right to reach the goal. 
  • Don't be afraid to face constructive criticism about how to do things better - this criticism can come from an honest assessment of yourself and from people you can trust, even your competitors can provide information on how to improve your approach to achieving goals. Listen carefully and learn the things addressed to you through this criticism.
4. Learn to surrender respectfully. There is an expression in society that says "never give up". The true meaning is "never give up easily"; this means that you have given your best and tried again, then reassess the way you do including your goals. The phrase "never give up" does not mean being a stubborn fool. If the reality shows you that there is no need to continue with your goals or desires because they are not feasible to maintain or are unrealistic without taking into account the efforts you have made, you need to consider rearranging your work plan. Stay great at accepting failure, because then you can learn to understand things that are useless and not worthy to be defended, and now you can try new ways to achieve your goals. 

5. Imagine you've seen the end result with your inner eye. If things become more difficult and you feel unable to do it anymore, try to revive your desire to achieve something by remembering your vision. Imagine the end result you want to achieve, by seeing yourself in this vision. Make sure that this is a pleasant vision that inspires and strengthens you. Stay in a pleasant vision, don't imagine a grim destruction. You deserve the results of your vision, so keep reminding yourself of what you have tried to achieve. 

3. Being Persistently Maintaining a Refusal or Rejecting Something.

Persistence plays an important role in your personal life when you interact with other people. If you want to make a request or rejection, your persistence will enable you to confirm to others what you want and explain what you will or will not do, and you will also continue to fight for your request by influencing someone whose approval is very important to You.  
1. Try to maintain persistently what you say so that others really understand what you mean and know that you mean it. Persistence is another way to make affirmations, to make sure that you can be understood correctly by others and make people see that you are not giving opinions about a thing without making a conscious choice. If you are someone who cannot express what you want or want from others at all, or you are easily trapped and carried in the other direction when you try to explain what you want or do not want from others, it will be very helpful if You learn how to maintain a steadfast stance in interacting with others.
  • By showing perseverance in making requests and rejections, you make people know what you want clearly and straightforwardly. 
  • By showing perseverance, you can survive if there are people who try to prevent, obstruct or regulate you so that you obey what they want. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or don't get the response you expect; the way you deliver it will be remembered by others.  
2. Learn a technique called "broken tape". This method is a technique that is commonly used in building assertiveness, to help you stay true to your initial intentions and keep you back when someone you interact with tries to take you in the other direction. Basically, this technique is carried out by continually saying firm statements about your feelings, desires or decisions without feeling angry, attacked or irritated, no matter how many times you have to repeat saying it to yourself.
  • Learn by repeatedly stating clear and reasonable rejection and requests. Do this with confidence and start by saying (I don't want this or I want that). 
  • Try to identify the efforts of others who want to question you, shift you, or make you feel guilty. These are attempts to undermine your persistence.
    Don't be angry or upset. You only need to repeatedly emphasize what you want. For that, use the "broken record" technique.
3. Avoid yourself feeling that you are "humiliated" by doing a "good compromise." In certain circumstances, you will see that a compromise will be good for you only if it makes you not feel defeated or exploited. In these conditions, do compromise as part of the way to be assertive, listen carefully to what others are asking for and prepare questions based on what they say to find out how much they want to compromise. For the conditions you face, offer only what you can without making you feel hurt or exploited.
  •  An example of a successful compromise: Bill asked Jenny if he could borrow his car tonight. Jenny had told Bill that she was not willing to lend Bill to the car after Bill made the car flawed. Bill was very disappointed and said that he promised to be careful and even wanted to fill up the gas until it was full before he returned the car to Jenny. Jenny could see Bill's effort to bribe him but he also remembered that Bill would not be able to ride public transportation when it was midnight and he would have difficulty returning home. Jenny herself was willing to pick up Bill because that night she would be around with her friends. So Jenny asked Bill if she wanted to be picked up, with the understanding that Jenny would never again lend her a car to Bill, but because she would be there after midnight, she would help Bill to get home. Bill smiled, said yes and they were both happy. In this situation, Jenny could also explain that this was a form of agreement that both won, and Bill had to reconsider his wish later.  
4. Always focus on repeating statements about your request or refusal. This means that you only need to answer relevant and unaffected questions to answer questions that are lacking or unrelated but then used by others to divert you from what you have asked or refused. When you submit a request or refusal, you must pay attention to the following: 
  • Get used to making eye contact. This shows that you are serious. Do it if you want to have your children sleep on time, as well as when you ask for a raise to your boss. 
  • Don't start by apologizing unless it's really needed. Usually an apology is a way to humble yourself and overtake the recipient so that this person realizes that you might not need to be invited to discuss your rejection or request because you feel guilty, unsure or afraid.
  • Specify specifically. Clearly state what you really want to do / happen / change, and what else, or what you don't want to do / lend / give, and so on.
    Stay calm, polite and positive. Don't be angry, change easily and feel trouble. Don't complain. Most importantly, never threaten or overreact.
5. Use common sense when you try to be a persistent person. When you have to make a request or refuse, you may be able to compromise. When you submit a request, other people have the right to refuse. In the end, by being a persistent person you know that you have tried to do your best, fight for yourself and not feel ignored or angry. Even if you don't succeed in getting what you want, you have gone through everything with perseverance so that you build respect and keep your self-esteem intact.  


  •  Make your health the most important thing in your life. Without good health, you can feel fear, become a negative person and get weaker, this condition cannot make you a persistent person. Get used to exercising every day, eat nutritious foods and try to get enough sleep.
  •  Learn to face obstacles. Most importantly, don't give up just because there are problems or errors. If you haven't succeeded on Monday, try again on Tuesday.
  •  Dream big. Many of us will never compete in the Olympics, become directors of large companies, or receive Nobel Peace Prizes, but we can continue to respect and imitate those who have done so. Who do you consider to be a role model? By imitating the strategy of a role model, you can get the same results. You can also follow the strategies of your competitors! Ask for advice from people who have achieved success and start thinking in the same way.
  •  So that you can fulfill your promises, first don't ever make unrealistic promises. If there is something that is truly beyond your ability or not in accordance with your wishes, just reject it or try to compromise so that in the future everything can work better.
  •  Never be afraid to ask for help from others. It does not mean that you have to depend on others - just rely on their support, listen to their advice, work with them and provide opportunities for them to guide you from time to time. If you don't have friends or family who can fill this role, there are people you can count on, such as therapists, family counselors and career counselors. Form a team of "trusted advisors" to help you achieve your goals, as people who have already succeeded, from Alexander the Great to Oprah Winfrey.
  •  Don't keep resting. Sometimes, resting is the best thing you can do to achieve your goals, but resting without certainty will only make everything get off track.


  • Pay attention to other people's warnings about your work or business. By doing this, you will avoid the same mistakes and even make you easier to be a persistent person.
  •  If you realize that you are constantly experiencing the same obstacles, this is the time for you to reassess what you are doing. Be intelligent in achieving your goals through perseverance.
  •  Don't make persistence a goal. Not only does it make you become a stubborn person (and this is not the meaning of perseverance) but will tend to make you an annoying and annoying person. A person who is stubborn will not be able to understand when to let go of desires that are no longer in line with good or useful plans, and ultimately bring failure. If you "keep insisting" against the reality that asks you to give in, it does not mean that you have become a persistent person in a constructive way. On the contrary, a person who is persistent will understand that he has good considerations and assesses a situation on the right basis, while revising his purpose as needed to ensure that this goal is still worth maintaining and continuing to strive to make it happen.
Similarly, info 3 Methods of Being Persistent, hopefully this info can be useful for you all, and good luck.

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