30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly
30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly At this info this is the 30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly, has been shared on this blog completely from start to finish. Hopefully this info will be useful to you and can be practiced.
Title : 30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly
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Similarly, info 30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly, hopefully this info can be useful for you all, and good luck.
Title : 30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly
Link : 30 How to get rid of acne on your back quickly
You certainly agree that acne is the most common skin problem in all people who have reached adulthood. Sometimes, zits grow in locations that are difficult to reach, such as your back.[1] If the situation also happens to you, read this article to find out various tips to get rid of zits on your back quickly!
Reducing Acne on the Back
- Take a bath every day. Do this to wash the oil and dirt that accumulates on the skin and can trigger the growth of zits. If you have difficulty reaching your back, buy a special tool intended to facilitate the back cleansing process. Some devices have handles that are quite long, while there are also tools that can be stretched on the entire surface of the back. Generally, the tip of the tool is made of soft cloth, brushes from natural ingredients, or sponges. Interested in using it? Pour the soap directly into the cleaning tool you choose. When bathing, you can also clean your back with a special tool with soft edges, and use exfoliating soap containing sulfur, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide.[2]
- If possible, change your towel every day. Remember, bacteria can grow and multiply in damp towels.
- Take a bath after exercising so that the sweat pile does not clog the pores and trigger the growth of zits[3]
- Don't exfoliate your back skin. If you think exfoliating the skin can help eradicate acne, immediately change the mindset because in fact, doing these actions can actually further trigger the growth of zits! Remember, the exfoliation process risks irritating and damaging the skin layer. Instead, use labeled cleaning products non-comedogenic which does not risk clogging pores and growing zits such as Neutrogena, Aveeno, Cetaphil, and Olay.[4]
- In addition, you can also use acne cleansing soap intended for the face to the back area. Generally, the cleansing soap contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids.
- Apply anti-acne cream to the area with acne. Ask for help from someone nearby to apply a little anti-acne cream or gel that contains at least 2.5-10% benzoyl peroxide, 0.5-2% salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acid to the area with acne using cotton bud or cotton. If you can reach the location of zits easily, do the process yourself.[5]
- Choose the lowest concentration of cream or gel first to make sure there are no allergic reactions that occur to your skin.
- Always follow the instructions printed on the packaging, and do not apply excessive creams or gels.
- Use a spray that is made for medical purposes. On the market, there are many spray medicines that contain similar ingredients with anti-acne creams, some of which are Glytone and Murad. These products are options that are quite effective and easier to apply without the help of others.[6]
- See a dermatologist. If the pimples don't go away after being treated with natural ingredients, immediately see a doctor! Also see a doctor if you have acne that is larger than peas and is likely to be difficult to treat on your own.[7]
- Most likely, the doctor will prescribe drugs with higher doses that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Although it is very dependent on the severity of the acne, most doctors will give medicines that can be used orally and topically.
- Usually, it takes months to years to clear all the pimples from your body, even with the help of drugs prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, be patient![8]
- In some women, taking oral contraceptive pills can work effectively to eradicate acne by improving hormonal stability.
Using Natural Medicines
- Soak in herbal solutions. Soak the pimpled back area in warm water mixed with 10-20 drops of essential oil that can eradicate acne. Before bathing, apply a little oil you choose to the skin to make sure there are no allergic reactions caused, especially for those of you who are sensitive skinned. Some types of essential oils that are worth trying are:
- Lavender oil[9]
- Tea tree oil[10][11]
- Oregano oil[12]
- Oil bergamot[13]
- Oil rosemary[14]
- Oil spearmint or peppermint[15]
- Thyme[16]
- Calendula[17]
- Soak in a salt water solution. Because salt contains natural properties that can eradicate acne, try pouring 300 grams of sea salt or epsom salt into the bath. After the salt dissolves, soak in it.[18]
- If you want, add a few drops of essential oil to the water.
- Apply tea tree oil that has been diluted to the pimpled area. Indeed, tea tree oil is considered a very effective natural remedy to eradicate acne. However, make sure you thin it first so the skin isn't irritated afterwards. Try mixing a drop of tea tree oil with a drop of solvent oil like jojoba, or with 1 tsp. aloe gel. After that, apply the mixture to the area with acne using fingertips or cotton. Oil can be rinsed with warm water or not.[19]
- Use apple vinegar. Make it toner from apple vinegar to reduce blemishes on the face and clean the skin thoroughly. To make it, mix 1 tbsp. vinegar with 500 ml of water, then apply to the back using cotton.[20]
- For those of you who are sensitive skin, reduce the dose of apple vinegar and multiply the portion of water to prevent the risk of irritation.
Changing Lifestyle
- Keep the sheets and other bedding clean. Do not let oil and dirt attached to pillowcases, bolsters, blankets or sheets move to the skin and trigger the growth of zits! For that, wash your bedding regularly.[21]
- In addition, try to buy lightweight cotton sheets that have lower absorbency than other materials.
- Wear clean clothes. Do not wear dirty clothes so that the oil and dust attached do not move to the skin and trigger the growth of zits. If acne continues to grow even though you have already done it, try wearing loose clothing so that the skin is able to breathe better and not trap oil and sweat inside.[22]
- Instead of synthetic fabrics, choose clothes made from cotton that can absorb sweat and reduce the risk of acne growth.
- Avoid using products that can irritate the skin. Several types of lotions and detergents can irritate the skin and trigger the growth of zits. If possible, always use products intended specifically for sensitive or non-fragrance-sensitive skin.[23]
- Keep hair clean. Have long hair? Be careful, dirt and oil on your hair can easily move to your neck, shoulders and back. Therefore, wash it regularly to prevent dirt on the hair from moving to the skin and causing acne. In addition, these tips must also be practiced by those of you who like to wear hair care products, especially because hair care products can clog the pores of the skin.[24]
- Water your back after using shampoo and conditioner to clean the product that flows well on your back.
- Protect your back from sun exposure. Too often exposure to the sun and / or sunbathing on a bed specifically risks damaging the skin and makes it more prone to acne. In addition, several types of acne medications can increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light. Therefore, try your best to protect the skin from sun exposure to reduce the growth of zits.[25]
Changing your diet
- Limit sugar intake. Foods that are high in sugar can trigger the growth of zits, you know! Conversely, research shows that foods that have a low glycemic index can help reduce acne[26] because it can slow down the process of releasing sugar into the blood. Some foods that have a low glycemic index are:
- Most vegetables
- Most fruits like mango, banana, papaya, pineapple, raisins, and fig contains a moderate glycemic index
- Brown rice, barleyand whole wheat pasta
- Whole grain cereal, rolled oat
- Bread made from whole grains and / or whole grains
- Peanuts
- Legume and beans
- Yogurt
- Increase vitamin A intake in the body. Vitamin A is proven to be able to boost the immune system and act as a natural antioxidant.[27] Therefore, do not hesitate to take supplements and / or various foods that contain these vitamins.
- Eat vegetables that are rich in vitamin A such as dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, red peppers, summer squashand pumpkin.
- Also consume fruits like cantaloupe, mango and apricot.
- Legumes are very rich in vitamin A which is beneficial to the body.
- Cow products, especially the liver, are good sources of vitamin A for the body.[28]
- Consume more foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are useful for controlling oil production in the body, and can be found in a variety of fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, white flesh fish, herring, and fish oil; nuts such as butter and peanuts walnut; seeds such as seed flax, flax seed oil, and seeds chia; and avocado.[29]
- Omega 3 fatty acids are also available in supplement form.
- Increase vitamin D intake into the body. Did you know that vitamin D contributes various health benefits such as boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, acting as an antimicrobial, and reducing oil production in the body?[30]
- The best natural source of vitamin D is sunlight. Therefore, move outdoors for 10-20 minutes every day for those of you who are light skinned, or more so for those of you who are dark skinned.
- Besides sunlight, another natural source of vitamin D is fish. Therefore, do not hesitate to increase the consumption of salmon, tuna, mackerel, and / or fish liver oil cod. In addition, you can also consume eggs, mushrooms and oysters which also contain natural vitamin D more often, and various foods fortified with vitamin D such as milk and cereals. Especially for milk, limit the consumption so that your acne does not increase!
- If you want, you can also take vitamin D in supplement form.[31]
- Limit your intake of dairy products. Because consuming too much dairy products can trigger the appearance of acne, try to limit it [32] and replace it with more vegetables and fruits.
- Try consuming garlic. In fact, garlic is very rich in antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral properties that can prevent the appearance of acne.[33] If possible, eat garlic in its raw state to get maximum benefits.
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