How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk
How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk At this info this is the How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk, has been shared on this blog completely from start to finish. Hopefully this info will be useful to you and can be practiced.
Title : How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk
Link : How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk
Similarly, info How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk, hopefully this info can be useful for you all, and good luck.
Title : How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk
Link : How to Take Care of Fir in Norfolk
Cemara Norfolk is a type of needle tree native to Norfolk Island located in the Pacific Ocean, between Australia and New Zealand. Although not including the actual type of cypress, but this Norfolk Island cypress is indeed similar to pine trees and is often used as a Christmas tree. In the wild, this tree can reach heights of up to 60 m. Norfolk Fir is also good for making ornamental plants in the home and can grow up to 1.5 to 2.5 m in the room. The secret to treating this type of tree is to provide plenty of moisture and exposure to indirect sunlight, and maintain an appropriate temperature range.
Providing the Right Nutrition
- Plant trees on suitable soil. In the wild, Norfolk cypress grows in sandy soil and is slightly acidic. That is, this tree needs good drained soil that you can make by mixing the ingredients below in the same ratio:[1]
- Land ready for planting
- Peat moss
- Sand
- Keep the soil slightly damp. Fir Norfolk likes moist soil evenly (such as a slightly damp condition on a sponge that has been squeezed out of water), but does not muddy. Before watering, stick your finger into the ground. If the top 2.5 cm soil feels dry, flush thoroughly with warm nail water until the remaining water flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.
- Let the remaining water flow into the tray under the pot. Empty the tray if the water has stopped dripping.[2]
- Even if it only happens once, very severe drought can cause the needle leaves and twigs to dry out and fall, and cannot grow back.
- Make sure Norfolk fir gets a lot of indirect sunlight. Fir Norfolk requires several hours of sun exposure per day, but does not like exposure to direct sunlight. A good location for this plant is a room with many windows facing northeast or northwest.
- You can also put Norfolk cypress in a room with a window facing south or west, but the window must be sheltered so that the tree is protected from direct sunlight.
- Another great location for Pine Norfolk is a sunroom and canopied veranda.[3]
- Give fertilizer during the growth period. In spring, summer, and early fall, Norfolk fir with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks. If the plants need to be watered, mix liquid fertilizer into the water and pour it into the tree.
- Balanced fertilizer is fertilizer which has the same ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, P, K).
- Norfolk firs do not need to be fertilized during the dormancy period in late fall and during the winter.
- To find out when the tree growth phase starts again, check the light green shoots at the end of the tree branch when spring arrives.[4]
Plant Healthy Norfolk Fir
- Rotate the tree regularly. As with sunflowers facing the direction of light, Norfolk fir will also grow or lean towards the light. For tree growth to remain irregular and not tilted, turn the pot a quarter turn every week.
- Don't push the tree too rough when turning the pot because this tree doesn't really like being moved.[5]
- Keep the right temperature. Fir Norfolk does not like extreme temperatures and cannot survive in temperatures below 2 ° C or above 24 ° C. The ideal daytime temperature is around 16 ° C. The ideal nighttime temperature should be slightly cold, which is around 13 ° C.[6]
- Although Norfolk fir likes cold night temperatures, this tree does not like sudden changes. The shade in the sunroom is a good point for this type of tree because the night temperature will drop naturally when the sun sets.
- Add additional moisture to the tree. In its natural habitat, Norfolk cypress grows in tropical locations near the sea, so this tree likes humid air. Ideal moisture for Norfolk firs ranges from 50%. You can maintain moisture by spraying trees every day using room temperature water or by installing an air humidifier machine (humidifier) near there.[7]
- This additional moisture is especially important if you live in a cold or dry climate.
- Trim the leaves that are already brown or just die. This type of tree does not require special pruning to enhance its appearance. The only pruning you have to do is remove the dead stem or the tip of the leaf that has turned brown. Use sharp cut scissors to cut the dead leaves.
- If Norfolk cypress is trimmed, the trimmed part will not grow again. So, instead of stimulating new growth, pruning will only force the buds to grow elsewhere and this will actually change the shape of the tree.[8]
Choosing an Ideal Location
- Keep the tree away from the gust of wind. Both cold and hot air flow can make the leaves of the Norfolk fir needle fall out. So, choose a location that is far from the intake air, fan, and heating or cooling vents.[9]
- Trees must also be placed away from doors and windows where air flows.
- Don't move Norfolk cypress. The root tissue in Norfolk fir is very fragile and can be damaged easily when the tree is removed. Don't move the tree unless it's really forced. Once you find the ideal location where Norfolk firs flourish, leave the trees there as long as possible.[10]
- If you are forced to move trees, move very carefully, in short distances, and gradually.
- Find a location where the tree will not be displaced, knocked, slammed, or accidentally pushed.
- Move the tree into a new pot every few years. Move Norfolk fir in the spring every three or four years when the roots have begun to appear on the ground. Prepare a new pot and fill half with a mixture of soil, sand and peat moss. Dig the tree from the first pot carefully and transfer it to the new pot. Fill the pot to the brim and cover the root tissue with a mixture of soil.
- Every time you move a tree into a new pot, choose a pot one times larger than the current pot.
- The pot must have a good drainage hole at the base so that the remaining water can drip out.
- Although Norfolk cypress doesn't like to be moved, this tree must be transferred to a new pot and given fresh soil to accommodate root tissue growth.[11]
Overcoming Common Problems
- Reduce watering if the tree trunk appears weak and yellow. Fir Norfolk likes moist soil, but cannot live well in places where the water content is excessive. If the tree trunk appears weak or starts to turn yellowish, reduce the frequency of watering.[12]
- Norfolk fir only needs to be watered when the 2.5 cm top soil is dry.
- The yellow needle leaf will also fall out if the tree is watered excessively.
- Adjust the frequency of watering if the needle leaves turn yellow. A yellowish needle (but the stem is still strong) indicates that the tree lacks water. Water the tree thoroughly when the soil is dry, and give additional moisture.[13]
- You can increase the level of humidity by spraying trees every day.
- Give more light exposure if the bottom stems turn brown. Notice whether the bottom stems turn brown and wither. This is a sign that the tree is not getting enough light.[14] Move the tree closer to the window facing northeast or northwest, the sheltered south or west window, or to the veranda.
- Fir Norfolk requires a lot of indirect sunlight.
- If a tree cannot get sufficient natural rays, use a full-spectrum bulb designed for plants.
- Adjust the humidity level if the needle leaves fall. Green leaves that fall out are a sign of several problems, one of which is the level of humidity that is too low or even too high. Generally, this is an indication of the humidity level that is too low. If the soil feels dry and you don't water it too often, flush it more often. If the soil feels damp and you often water it, flush it more rarely.
- The needle leaves that fall out can also be a sign that the tree is too close to the flow of wind.[15]
- $ 2
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