How to deal with cat abscesses
How to deal with cat abscesses At this info this is the How to deal with cat abscesses, has been shared on this blog completely from start to finish. Hopefully this info will be useful to you and can be practiced.
Title : How to deal with cat abscesses
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Similarly, info How to deal with cat abscesses, hopefully this info can be useful for you all, and good luck.
Title : How to deal with cat abscesses
Link : How to deal with cat abscesses
An abscess can form after your cat has been bitten by a cat or other animal. The bacteria that enters the bite wound is the cause. [1] If you suspect that your pet cat has an abscess, take him to the veterinarian for treatment and antibiotics. The veterinarian will tell you how to treat the wound and give medication for the cat. During the healing period, you should also lock the cat in one of the rooms while observing the development of the wound.
Looking for Veterinary Care
- Check for signs of abscess. The body responds to bite wounds by sending white blood cells to fight bacteria. After that, the tissue around the wound will start to swell and die. Finally, a pus-filled cavity consists of bacteria, white blood cells, and dead tissue. [2] This cycle continues and the wound area continues to swell. This swelling may feel hard or soft. Other signs of abscess include:[3]
- Pain or signs of pain such as hobbling
- Small scab that is red or warm around the wound area
- Pus or fluid coming out of the wound area
- Hair loss around the wound area
- Cats that lick or bite the wound area
- Loss of appetite or weakness
- Hole that ejects pus
- Take the cat to the vet. You might be able to handle a small abscess at home. However, most abscess cases must be handled by a veterinarian. [4] When taken to the vet, your cat will be thoroughly examined. Often, cats will also have a fever if they have an abscess because their body is trying to fight infection.
- If it is open and secretes fluid, abscesses in cats may be handled without the need for anesthetic.
- If it is closed, your cat may need to be sedated so that the abscess can be slashed with a scalpel.
- Ask about using antibiotics. The veterinarian may send pus samples to the laboratory for antibiotic culture testing. [5] This culture test will help veterinarians determine the most effective antibiotics to treat them. After the pus sample is taken, the abscess in the cat will be slashed (if it has not been opened and expelled pus or fluid), cleaned (from pus and other impurities), and treated with antibiotics. [6]
- Give antibiotics to cats according to the veterinarian's advice until they run out. Contact your veterinarian if you have difficulty giving medication to cats. [7]
- Ask if the fluid in the abscess still needs to be removed. Sometimes, the abscess must continue to be opened so that the liquid can come out. For this reason, the veterinarian may need to attach a hose to help drain fluid from the wound. If not, pus will continue to accumulate and worsen the condition of the cat.
- Follow the advice of the vet in terms of slang treatment as well as complications that may be caused, as well as when you need to contact him.
- Usually the veterinarian will remove this hose after 3-5 days. [8]
Caring for Cat Abscesses at Home
- Cat brackets in one room during healing. This is the best choice for keeping cats safe from more severe injuries during the healing period of the wound. [9] Injuries to cats will continue to expel fluid for a few moments. So, there is a possibility that the pus will drip on the floor and furniture. To prevent this pus from polluting the carpet or furniture, enclose the cat in one of the rooms in the house until the wound heals.
- Cat brackets in rooms that have easy to clean surfaces such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, or areas around the back door of the house.
- Make sure you lock the cat in a warm enough room. Provide cat needs in it, such as food, water, litter boxes, and soft towels or blankets for sleeping.
- Check the condition of the cat as long as it is confined to show your affection while ensuring that it eats, drinks, and defecates as usual.
- Wear gloves when treating wounds in cats. Cat wounds may still emit pus which consists of bacteria, blood, and other body fluids. Therefore, do not treat the wound empty-handed. Be sure to wear vinyl or latex gloves every time you clean or inspect the wound.
- Keep the wound clean of the cat. You can clean wounds on cats with ordinary warm water.[10] Prepare a clean cloth or washcloth and wet with water. Next, use this cloth to clean pus from the wound. Rinse the rag and repeat until all the pus in the cat has been cleaned.
- Clean all the liquid that comes out of the wound with a cloth or washcloth that has been moistened with warm water.
- Peel the scab carefully. If there is a scab layer formed on the abscess hole, you can peel this layer by wetting it using a warm washcloth. In the meantime, you may leave the scab layer if the wound on the cat is not festering or swollen. If in doubt, contact your veterinarian first.
- To loosen the scab layer that forms on the surface of the wound, wet the washcloth with warm water. Next, squeeze the washcloth to reduce the water and attach it to the surface of the wound. Leave the washcloth for a few minutes to help soften the scab. Repeat this Step : 2-3 times until the scab is softened and peeled off from the wound.
- The process of abscess formation takes around 10-15 days. So, keep checking the scab area to find out if the wound on the cat is starting to swell. If you find pus or swelling in the wound, take the cat to the vet. [11]
- Ask the veterinarian's opinion before using hydrogen peroxide. The use of hydrogen peroxide is still controversial because research shows that in addition to causing pain, hydrogen peroxide can also aggravate the damage to infected tissue, thus slowing its healing. [12] Ordinary water or a special antiseptic solution in the form of a mixture of water and povidone iodine is the best choice. [13]
- To be safe, contact your veterinarian and consult whether the use of hydrogen peroxide is suitable for wounds in your cat.
- If you use hydrogen peroxide, make sure to dilute it first with water in a ratio of 1: 1. After that, wet a cotton ball or gauze with a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. Rub the cotton ball to clean pus and dirt from the edges of the wound, but don't use it directly on the wound. Perform this treatment 2-3 times a day.
- Check for wounds in cats. Observe wounds in cats 2-3 times a day. Make sure the wound doesn't swell. Swelling indicates infection in the wound. So, if the wound in your cat swells, contact your veterinarian.
- Every time you examine a wound in a cat, pay attention to the amount of pus flowing out. Supposedly, the amount of pus coming out will decrease every day. If the amount is the same or even more, you should contact the veterinarian.
- Prevent cats from licking or biting their wounds. You should try to prevent cats from licking or biting wounds or liquids that come out of them because bacteria in a cat's mouth can make the infection worse. [14]If your cat seems to bite or lick the wound, contact the veterinarian.
- To prevent the cat from biting or licking the wound, you may need to attach a neck protection funnel during the healing period.
- Check the wound on your cat after he fights another cat. Observe for signs of abscess formation.
- If you find signs of an abscess, take your cat to the vet so that they can be examined and given antibiotics immediately. This treatment will reduce the possibility of more serious infections.
- Cat fights not only increase the risk of abscesses, but also spread dangerous diseases such as cat leukemia and rabies. To maintain cat safety and health, update the vaccination status.
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