How to Check Python Version on PC or Mac Computer

How to Check Python Version on PC or Mac Computer At this info this is the How to Check Python Version on PC or Mac Computer, has been shared on this blog completely from start to finish. Hopefully this info will be useful to you and can be practiced.

Title : How to Check Python Version on PC or Mac Computer
Link : How to Check Python Version on PC or Mac Computer

article will teach you how to find Python versions installed on Windows or MacOS computers.


Windows computer

  1. Open Windows Search. If you don't see the search field in the work bar (taskbar), click the magnifying glass icon or circle next to the menu, or press the button.
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 1.jpg
  2. Type in the search bar. A list of appropriate search results will be displayed.
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 2.jpg
  3. Click. The black terminal window will open and display Python commands.
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 3.jpg
  4. Search for the program version in the first row. The program version is marked by the number on the right side of the word "Python", In the upper left corner of the window (eg 2.7.14).
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 4.jpg

MacOS computer

  1. Open the Terminal window on a Mac computer. To access it, open the folder "Applications"In the Finder, double-click the folder"Utilities", Then click twice"Terminal"
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 5.jpg
  2. Type when prompted (with capital letter V).
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 6.jpg
  3. Press the button . The program version number will be displayed on the next line, after the word "Python"(Eg 2.7.3).
    Check Python Version on PC or Mac Step 7.jpg

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Similarly, info How to Check Python Version on PC or Mac Computer, hopefully this info can be useful for you all, and good luck.

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